NiNsee is a centre for the promotion of research and distribution of knowledge and information regarding the Dutch slavery past and its consequences for contemporary society. To that end, NiNsee initiates historical research, develops educational programmes and exhibitions, and facilitates the distribution of information and documentation of the Dutch slavery past and its legacy. Research and education will contribute towards the recognition of the slavery past as a part of the shared history of all Dutch people and moreover promote the realization and acceptance of the legacy of slavery.
As of January 2013, there is a good chance that the National Institute for the study of Dutch slavery and its legacy (NiNsee) will no longer be subsidized by the the Ministry of Education, Research and Science. On Monday, June 27th, the State Secretary Halbe Zijlstra will discuss plans to discontinue the subsidy within the Tweede Kamer (House of Commons).
Durch die von der Regierung geplante Kürzungen droht die Geschichte der Sklaverei, aus dem kollektiven Gedächtnis der Niederlande gelöscht werden. Dies sollte nicht passieren! Unterschreiben sie bitte alle die Online-Petition!
Schlagwort: niederlanden
NiNsee droht Schliessung