Vortragseinladung 2014-01-15: Nana Adusei-Poku

Nana Adusei-Poku
‚rooted in but not limited by‘ Contemporary Black Artists and the Changeing Conditions of Representation“
Mittwoch 08.01.2013, 19:15, Von Melle Park 5 (“Wiwi Bunker”) 0079

Der Vortrag findet in Englisch statt, die Diskussion im Anschluss auf Deutsch.

Nana Adusei-Poku arbeitet auf dem Gebiet der Visual Culture Studies und ist Applied Research Professor on Cultural Diversity and the Arts am Piet Zwart Institute der University of Rotterdam.

Sie präsentiert uns Mittwoch folgendes:

In 2001 the Studio Museum in Harlem New York presented an exhibition with young emerging contemporary Black artists under the umbrella term ‘post-black’. This exhibition marked a shift within the perspective upon contemporary Black artists within the diaspora and proclaimed intrinsic generational differences in politics, practice and aesthetics. Apart from introducing the main concept ‘post-black’ and discussing the proclaimed shift, the lecture will present aesthetic practices by contemporary Black artists from the US and Germany in order to highlight the field of art and visual culture as a key site at which contemporary cultural conflicts are expressed.