Veranstaltungshinweis: Blockseminar an der HCU

Sebastian Mohr
Blockseminar für Masterstudierende: Sex Wars : Contemporaray Politics of Gender and Sexuality
Erste Sitzung: Samstag, 19.11.2011, 10-16, Averhoffstraße 38 („HCU“), 16c

Regelmäßigen Teilnehmer*Innen der Vorlesungsreihe vielleicht noch bekannt, hält Sebastian Mohr kommendes Semester ein Seminar an der Hafen City Univerität. Es folgt die Beschreibung:

Sex wars – contemporary politics of gender and sexuality
Lecturer: Sebastian Mohr, University of Copenhagen, Centre for Medical Science and
Technology Studies –
Content: The seminar explores the heritage and role of feminist & queer theoretical thought in contemporary societies. Students are introduced to feminist and queer theory, the social movements they are connected with, the impact they have had on current concepts of society, and the role they play in contemporary political debates. The seminar combines the study of theoretical literature within feminism, queer theory, and sociology with the interrogation of historical accounts of the concerned movements and their media contributions. Students learn how to theorize gender and sexuality and apply them as part of an analysis of contemporary political debates in selected international contexts. Active participation is a necessity and students will be asked to prepare presentations corresponding to the curriculum. The examination will consist of a written essay in which students will apply the analytical categories gender and sexuality on a topic of their choice. The seminar is held in English or German depending on the participating students.
Curriculum: The literature will be available as a download in PDF-format.
19./20. November 2011
14./15. January 2012
10:00 – 16:00
Biographical Note: Sebastian Mohr – Ph.D. candidate and cultural anthropologist at the Centre for Medical Science and Technology Studies at the University of Copenhagen; currently: Ph.D.-project on sperm donation as part of 21st century biomedicine.