Jin Haritaworn, Jennifer Petzen
Von grenzenloser Liebe und unheilbarem Hass. Heteronormativität, Homonormativität und Queere Nekropolitik
Freitag 15.11.2013, 18:30, Rothenbaumchaussee 34 („Gästehaus der Universität Hamburg“)
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Wir freuen uns, Dr. Jin Haritaworn und Dr. Jennifer Petzen in Hamburg begrüßen zu dürfen. Jin Haritaworn ist mittlerweile Assistant Professor an der Fakultät für Environmental Studies der York University in Kanada und Jennifer Petzen ist tätig an der Kadir Has University zu Istanbul.
Es handelt sich um die Keynote zur Jahrestagung „Wandel und Kontinuität heteronormativer Geschlechterverhältnisse“ unter Moderation von María Teresa Herrera Vivar. Der Eintritt zu dieser Veranstaltung ist aber für Leser*innen dieses Blogeintrags dennoch kostenlos. Es folgt auf den Vortrag gleich im Anschluß die Buchdiskussion in englischer Sprache „The Biopolitics of Mixing: Thai Multiracialities and Haunted Ascendancies“.
Aus dem Abstract
Debates over who belongs in Europe and who doesn’t increasingly speak the language of mixing, but how are the figures commonly described as ‚mixed‘ actually embodied? The Biopolitics of Mixing invites us to reckon with the spectres of pathologization past and present, placing the celebration of mixing beside moral panics over terrorism and trafficking and a post-race multiculturalism that elevates some as privileged members of the neoliberal community, whilst ghosting others from it. Drawing on a broad archive including rich qualitative interviews conducted in Britain and Germany, media and policy debates, popular culture, race-based research and queer-of-colour theories, this book imagines into being communities in which people and places normally kept separate can coexist in the same reality. As such, it will appeal to scholars across a range of sociological and cultural studies, including critical race, ethnic and migration studies, transnational gender and queer studies, German and European studies, Thai and Southeast Asian studies, and studies of affect, performativity, biopolitics and necropolitics. It should be read by all those interested in thinking critically on the intersections of race, class, gender, sexuality and disability.